“Russia” and “Nu-Metal” is a good combination. Such music uses simple patterns, which is quite tempting for musicians who have little opportunity for development. Release about which I will now tell is another confirmation of this trend.
My rating: 61/100 Best Song - Vechniy Mechanism
The first thing to notice is very simple naming. Simple project naming, simple song naming. As if these guys came to a novice creative and said “think up some names”. Also worth mentioning is album structure: two powerful songs, two songs on a clean and again two powerful songs. I cann't call this idea a good one - desire to drop the album on 4th track is very great.
Composer's work is very simple. It seems that the composer was not at all. As if one of members brought the lyrics, guitarist suggested by some of power chords, drummer suggested something from the standard patterns. This approach is not typical for professionals. Professional or just good work is always done carefully and always by one person.
Vocalist is good. But not everything is so simple. It seems that the project had the task to emphasize the narrating person as much as possible. Well, vocalist perfectly coped with this task. However, there is a very great desire here to emphasize the vocalist without looking at the rest.
Why did I write “not everything is so simple”? Because the other part of compositions - instrumental parts - look very simple. Power chords at middle tempo and a few scales on a clean are all that can be said about a guitarist. The main part of diversity refers to timbre color, and not to performing techniques. For example, clean on verses and overdrive on chorus in the 1st track. Or wah-wah on 2nd track. Rhythm section looks boring. There are only standard patterns.
Strong emphasizing of the narrator and the general idea is a deliberately failing strategy. Yes, this tactic can bring a lot of popularity (with a good pitch). But with such a task, one has only to retreat from the mass template - and you become like a Mickey Mouse. As for this album, there is a minimum for an aesthetic listener. You can listen to it as you walk down the street, but as a work of art it’s pretty boring. Here is a good vocalist and quite interesting ideas. But everything else is a continuous stream of boredom on 6 tracks.