Usually, the absence of change is considered a sign of absence of development. Really. And how else can you call a person who does not receive new knowledge and does not reflect on the events taking place? Nevertheless, it does not always happen.
My Rating: 69/100
This also applies to musicians. Repetition of a successful release is the composer's biggest mistake. Paying attention to several features, you don't think about what you can do wrong. Yes, i can say that this is not a simple repetition of the previous work. Here everything is done very smart - the main sound was left exactly the same as in previous album, while slightly changing some shades. Maybe I want to think so, because I really liked this project - I can not speak confidently.
Nevertheless, here we hear groove metal with a very large hardcore influence and non-standard ideas. I will not focus on the idea that this kind of music is quite complicated and in any case, guys are good fellows. I want to say that this project is based solely on composer's non-standard ideas. I don't mean a permanent construction change of composition, although it's also noteworthy and is a positive moment. I want to say something else. You can talk in two ways. First is to say a few words, and the interlocutor will guess what a logical connection is between them. Second - you can combine several literary techniques, thus transferring all shades of your mood and purpose. Approximately the same thing in this release. Here is an interesting combination of artistic techniques. Yes, I can write a little about it, since this element is executed excellently.
Vocal parts are monotonous. Yes, vocalist has good abilities. Yes, sometimes you can hear a whisper (2 track), narration (3 track). And also clean vocals became a surprise (7 track). But in general, vocal parts are monotonous. Also worth noting that there is some too simple voice timbral color. This reminds me of an office clerk who spent 8 hours sorting through paper (in comfortable conditions without harmful factors), and then came on stage and with the latest strength began to sing about how difficult it's to work. I think you guessed what I want to say.
Instrumental parts performed excellently. Studio work always sounds cool and this release is no exception. The first thing you can notice is extended range guitars (8 string), which give a characteristic djent sound. Usually from such music templates in style of Periphery are expected. But here everything is much more interesting. Yes, I expected more natural harmonics (they are performed only in 3 track). But in general, we can say that guitar parts are good. Rhythm section is also good - composer's good work again is felt. The only drawback - bass can not be heard, only vibrations from headphones are felt. Bass sounds like an octave lower (it's a extended range bass), but it's made quiet. Also here there are additional instriments. In 4th track, you can hear a synthesizer in the style of Korg's magical organs with a "cosmic" sound. It might be interesting if this continued throughout the composition. But this is only in beginning, and then - a simple piano.
Well, this release is very similar to previous. But it's done a little differently. This album excellently shows how to repeat albums so that they are interesting to listen. I don't know if you understood me or not, but I can say that a good band released a good album. I don't know how much this idea is enough, but this time idea was realized interestingly.