March 3, 2018

IScream Never Ground - Raibu Asurito Kyouka Keikaku (Review)

Band Galmet in the last 2 years of its activity has changed greatly: at first there was a noticeable strong hardcore influence, then compositions were simplified, and a large amount of synthesizers appeared. These experiments proved to be a failure and band disintegrated. But vocalist does not stay idle. Now we see a new band, which immediately goes into battle. First work result was released on September 1. March 1 came out EP, about which I will now tell.

My Rating: 79/100

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I will not remember the past. I'll just say that I liked this release. Impression from the previews is negative: there is a very unusual sound - similar experiments are associated with newcomers. But we just have to start listening - and this album will show all the splendor of professional work.

Here we hear melodic death metal with strong hardcore influence, elements of pop music, and also with a moderate amount of synthesizers. An unusual combination. Usually such music is a slightly strengthened standard power metal pattern. But composer's excellent work is noticeable here. Here you can see that composer tried to compose songs that are both interesting from the point of view of emotions (there are many elements of pop music here), and also from the technical point of view. Not that I was afraid of it, but at the same time two opposites are very difficult to fit in one - you always have to choose one thing. It's hard to say what turned out better. Nevertheless, composer performed his work at highest level.

There are two vocalists here - male and female. When you find out about it, you immediately imagine ordinary vocal parts in the style of late Lacuna Coil, where alternately male and female parts are performed. But first seconds of listening deny it. There is a rather interesting and unusual structure of the vocal parts, which is not repeated in next track. Variety of vocal techniques also gives pleasure.

Instrumental is also interesting. First thing you can notice is synthesizer. Here this is a moderate amount and this is a good solution - usually it's shoved everywhere. There is also a wide variety of riffs here. There are quite interesting riffs and "zeros" here. Here also there are breakdowns that are characteristic of metalcore. Also noticeably several drum patterns - simple, blast-beat, booty camp beat, ect. But drum patterns combination is not repeated in each composition and this is a very positive moment - usually this does not change.

It's tempting to say that if Galmet had continued to work, they would certainly have become something similar. But this release is much more complicated than it seems.