Music critics are accustomed to the fact that a new project from popular (even if relative) musicians is quite often quite predictable. And I can understand this: there is no need to hope that the musicians are not subject to the systematic error of the survivor. But our present case in a sense stands alone.
My Rating: 63/100 Best song: Anemos
A project Trickbook played symphonic/power metal with a hint of progressive. After split-up and the creation of a new project, one could hope that there would be at least a repetition of this beautiful picture. The two leaders, the picture really turned out beautiful. But they started playing completely different music.
General idea of this release is quite simple to understand, but one cannot say that it's not interesting. It's noticeable that composer wanted to compose something epic, vigorous, but at the same time melancholic, mysterious. This is a very bold statement, since only high-class professionals can afford such a combination. However, this can only be said about first track. Second track is no different in this flavor, although the description of evening mood is always a good idea.
As for the voice, everything is perfect here. More precisely, voices - this project has two vocalists with different range and this creates a pleasant contrast. This picture continues on the very impressive abilities of vocalists.
Instrumental parts, on one side, are complex, on other side - simple. However, first thing that catches your eye is the use of synthesizers and samplers. Used by professional guitarist. I don't understand one thing: it was impossible to play the guitar? Guitar here, if it appears, is acoustic, and it is difficult to hear it in mix. The choice of the other instruments is quite logical, moreover, so much so that it already seems too standard solution. However, I can't name the exact number of instruments. Similarly, I can't accurately describe the structure of instrumental parts. Second track is easier to describe: here is a piano. Such a strong contrast of the complex and simple, perhaps, will seem interesting to someone, but certainly not to me.
Yes it's beautiful. Yes, it makes a good impression. Yes, here are some interesting ideas. But with the implementation it turned out somehow not very. This happens when you try yourself in an unusual role for the first time. Well, I hope the guys will show good creative progress in the future.