November 3, 2018

Simplest japanese metal songs on 7 string guitar

Extended range guitars is always a professional choice. However, sometimes there is a simple artistic task that does not require something complicated. And in this entry I will talk about such examples.

  • Galneryus - Heavy Curse (Heavy / Power / Progressive Metal, Standard B)

Usually guitarist from this band has very difficult parts. But during his career, he tried many methods of solving artistic tasks. So many, that he got in my today's list.

  • Pulse Of Humanity - No Excuse (Nu-Metal / Industrial Metal, Drop A)

If you know what “Nu-Metal” is, then you will understand this.

  • ISAO - Pudding Busters (Progressive Metal / Instrumental, Standart B)

This artist originally used 7 string guitars, and compositions were not very complicated. Here is one example.

  • Nocturnal Bloodlust - Dead End (Deathcore / Djent, Drop G)

I also find it strange to see these guys on this list, because their music is very complicated from the point of view of a guitarist. However, there is only a complex scale in intro, the rest is simple.

The list turned out even less than usual - 4 pieces.