June 22, 2018

Steel Emblem - Fight Against the Destiny (Review)

Usually I write about rare bands that never fall into "popular" section. And this brings a good result - this niche has poor filling, so any information instantly finds its audience, albeit small. But this band, most likely, will not bring me anything.

My Rating 67/100

Band Steel Emblem reminds me of band Baskerville. For 18 years of existence, they could come up with something interesting, something that you rarely see in other bands. This idea suggests the presence of only 4 releases: less quantity - higher quality. But I mentioned similarities because this band also exists for 18 years and here too there is nothing that sharply distinguishes them from the others. But if Baskerville has a more powerful overall structures, then here ... Uh ... Well ...

In general, here we hear the typical power metal (1, 9 tracks) and also something similar to classic hard-n-heavy (3, 4, 7, 8, tracks), and the latter is more. Usually in similar releases there is also something similar to NWOBHM, but here such is not present. Nevertheless, we can say that the compositions are diverse. It's also worth noting that album title does not fit perfectly with the general idea.

Vocal parts are monotonous and boring. It's difficult to say something about vocalist's abilities, since he does not strain much. This and all that can be said, because throughout the whole album we hear a monotonous stream of boredom, which is compensated only by pathos in lyrics.

Instrumental parts are nothing supernatural. Ordinary hard-n-heavy with small inserts of power metal and sections on clean. But if you compare with something similar, for example, new album of Show-Ya, - there every instrumentalist is a unique person whose talent is fully revealed by composer. And here is just a combination of patterns. First thing that is noticeable from the instruments is synthesizer. A lot of synthesizer. Usually it's annoying, but here everything is done competently. Also note the great variety of synthesizer sound. I was very pleased with Hammond's organ. Guitar parts are not particularly interesting, but performed well. Riffs is difficult to call complex, but performance is good. Guitar solos - it would be better if they did not do it at all. Rhythm section is also nothing of interest. Basically, here is standard heavy metal drumming, about which has long been said enough.

What do we see here? You can say that a good band released a good release. But there is a noticeable great desire to put pressure on feeling of nostalgia for 70s - 80s. This significantly affects the uniqueness of band and value of this album. Something unique or interesting is weakly noticeable here. If for 18 years of creativity they have guessed only to the repetition of patterns from 70s - 80s, then I'm not impressed.